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aria andrus

becca dickson

claudia harvey

kelly mobley

mandi buchanan

melanie call


Our Project was Featured in Scrapbooks Etc., December 2011 Quality DigiScrap Freebies

Entries in Family (143)


September Company Stash

I'm a day late... but you have to check out this month's Company Stash at Pixels & Co. So many great kits to build your stash & we even have a few guest designers in the mix too! Seriously awesome. They're all 30% off through Sept. 5th. Here's what I have for you...

by {kelly mobley}

by {becca dickson}

by {me} yay! I scrapbooked! It's been a while :)

hope you have an awesome Labor Day, that you get some well deserved time off to spend with your family, friends, or even just some time to yourself.



dollar days at p&co

So, the first of July began dollar days at Pixels & Company! I know many of you have already filled your carts with tons of awesome goodness... but just wanted to give you an update on my 3 releases so far... {I have 4 more to go!}

by {claudia harvey}

by {kate christensen}

by {lisa breuer}

by {melanie call}

by {mandi buchanan}

by {robyn meierotto}

by {robyn meierotto}

happy shopping :)



catching up

hey everyone. I've been taking a little break from the blog, in both personal & my shop. Working on lots of kits for July & a few other things on the side, trying to give my kids some attention... you know, just being summer lazy. Here's the basic highlights happening around here since I've been here last, we finished Lydia's tball "season" {4 games}, we finished Evan's regular baseball season {they finished 3rd in their final tournament}, we celebrated Evan's 11th birthday & Dan & I celebrated our 19th anniversary! Oh & lots of hanging out at home & swimming in our pool.

not too exciting. We usually don't get around to too much until the baseball season is over & we're now scrambling to fit in a mini vaca with the kids to a local waterpark with some friends. It's kinda hard for Dan to get away from work right now, so a few days is all we're going to get this summer. Should be lots of fun though.

Something else I'm personally working on is cleaning up my eating. After a couple months of baseball & some celebrations with beer {& a few martinis} my stomach is looking a little more "eh" than I'd like. Not that it's ever been super model quality... haha! But seriously, after working hard in the early part of the year to do more whole foods & not so much processed, I could tell a pretty big difference in my ab area. Not so much soft & more definition. I've been back at about a week or so & am definitely starting to see the change. Hopefully over the next few weeks I'll be back to where I started. No more beer for me for a while ;)

not the best illustration, since I have 3 different suits on here, but the first was in January, the second in March when I'd been doing my "clean eating" for a while & the third was mid June. In all the pictures I'm either the same weight or within 2 pounds.

So it's lots of oatmeal, chicken, greek yogurt, fruit & veggies & smoothies for this girl! Oh & I've been really consistent over the last 6 months with doing 3-4 miles at least 5 days a week & have recently been trying to add more ab & leg work also & sometimes some jump rope added in!

My fave treats right now: oatmeal with peanut butter, honey & cinnamon mixed in or frozen bananas blended with PB2 {powdered peanut butter}, cocoa, whey powder & almond milk {it's like a milkshake!}

ok, enough randomness... have a great day!



new at the company 5.10

tgif. that means new release day at P&co! I have a special set of kits ready for you today. Thinking ahead to Mother's Day coming up this Sunday, I decided to create a kit that reminded me of my late Grandma Lucille {my mom's mom}. Although she passed away when I was young, I still remember days at her house fondly. Usually baking or shelling pecans or putting together puzzles. Or maybe riding my bike around her awesome driveway that had that cool bump to jump the bike on. Smelling the flowers in her garden. Riding with her in her huge boat of a car. Or roller skating in her basement :) So many great memories. I hope you all remember your grandma as fondly. So this one's for you grandma... I hope I did you proud.

you can also get the FULL KIT here

now for some beautiful layouts...

by {claudia harvey}

by {kelly mobley}

by {anna DeDobbelaire}

by {rachel alles}

by {me}

We've been enjoying the spring weather that's finally made it's way to us this week. Lydia picked me some dandelions, of course. She looked so sweet looking up at me & was lucky enough to grab my phone to capture her beautiful little face just in time. I love how when she's outside she gets that pretty pink on her cheeks & lips that make her eyes even more blue. I even noticed she's getting a few sweet little freckles on her nose just like her big brother Evan. It's times like these I love to remember. One of those moments it strikes you that your child is the most beautiful thing in the world & how lucky you are to be a mother.

I can't wait to see what memories you'll scrapbook with this kit & hope it brings about great thoughts of childhood or your own mother, grandmother or children. Remember that through Sunday everything new in the shop is 30% off. Enjoy your weekend & I hope all you moms & grandmas get the pampering you deserve!





new releases 3.22

phew! what a crazy few weeks it's been around here! between work & what seemed like an over abundance of birthday celebrations {we had lots of fun, by the way}, I was more than ready to get into my normal, non birthday party planning, house cleaning, cake making routine. And then, I realized... Easter is only a short time away {we host our families at our home every year}. Gah! We love having our family together, but what was really getting my crazy was that I hadn't even gotten started on an Easter kit! So, I set the kit I was thinking of to the side for a bit to draw up some illustrations for my newest release: Cottontail. I hope you like it...

you can also get the patterns+elements HERE

& as a little bonus... if you fill your cart with at least $5 worth of any products in my store, you'll get this kit for FREE {oh yeh!} good through Sunday ;)

& now, check out some inspiration...

by {kelly mobley}

by {sarah hemmert}

by {becca dickson}

by {claudia harvey}

by {linda roos}

by {rachel alles}

by {becca dickson}

by {me}

hope you have a great weekend! seems that instead of spring-like weather, we're up for another winter storm this weekend. oh yay! not. I think we're all ready for anything warm around here. We've been tricking ourselves, Dan, Lydia & Evan have been playing catch outside, so ready to start baseball. We've been grilling on our porch. Collin started golf practice, but they've yet to actually make it to the golf course. Oh well, I guess all good things come to those who wait? Let's hope so!

Rememeber you can pick up all the Cottontail kits for 30% off through Sunday!
